Current Rates in Square Port-Saïd
Here is a brief overview of the current currency rates and trends.
The Nº1 Currency Exchange
Platform in Algeria
Dive into our real-time tables for live currency exchanges, featuring The Algerian Dinaralongside major global currencies.
Current Rates in Square Port-Saïd
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Currency Converter
Sélection Rapide :
Based on the current exchange rate in Square Port Said :
100 Algerian Dinars = 0.40 € EuroHow to use the EXDZ Currency Converter?
Select Your Currency
Begin by choosing the currency you want to convert from using the dropdown menu. Enter the amount you wish to convert in the input field next to the selected currency. For quick access, you can also use the predefined quick selection buttons to automatically fill in common amounts.
View the Converted Amount
After entering the amount, the converter will display the equivalent value in Algerian Dinar (DZD) or your chosen currency, depending on the conversion direction. Additionally, the current exchange rate is shown below the converter, providing you with up-to-date information on how much one unit of your selected currency is worth in DZD or vice versa.
Switch Conversion Direction
If you need to reverse the conversion direction, simply click the switch button located between the input sections. This will toggle the converter to switch from converting to DZD to converting from DZD, or the other way around. The interface will update accordingly, allowing you to enter a new amount or use the quick selection buttons again for convenience.
Historical data of EUR to DZD in the Algerian Parallel Market
Our chart offers a clear overview of EUR and the Algerian Dinar exchange rate trends, highlighting economic shifts and fluctuations. It's a valuable tool for understanding Dinar market movements and financial dynamics.
1 EUR = 247.67 DZD
DZD +73.17 ↗ (41.93%)
Taux le plus bas ↘
174.50 DZD
Taux le plus élevé ↗
257.33 DZD
Taux moyen μ
216.89 DZD
Écart-type σ
Variation du taux Δ
Volatilité σ
EXDZ Index
The EXDZ Index measures the difference between the informal and official exchange rates of the Algerian Dinar (DZD). It provides insights into market dynamics, currency valuation disparities, and economic conditions influencing the foreign exchange market in Algeria.
Current Difference
106.67 DZD
22 Dec 2024
Smallest Gap
39.28 DZD
15 Aug 2020
Largest Gap
116.72 DZD
12 Dec 2024
Average Difference
The average percentage difference over the selected period.