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50000 Philippine Pesos to Algerian Dinars Today at Square Port-Saïd Black Market

Easily Convert PHP to DZD at the informal market exchange rate

Enter amount in Philippine Pesos

Amount in Algerian Dinar

Current Rate:
1 PHP = 3.93 DZD (informal)
En Centimes: 19 millions 657 milles
En Lettres: cent quatre-vingt-seize mille cinq cent soixante-quinze dinars

Historical data of PHP to DZD in the Algerian Parallel Market

Our chart offers a clear overview of PHP and the Algerian Dinar exchange rate trends, highlighting economic shifts and fluctuations. It's a valuable tool for understanding Dinar market movements and financial dynamics.

1 PHP = 3.93 DZD

DZD +71.30 (40.86%)

Taux le plus bas

174.50 DZD


The lowest rate from DZD to PHP was recorded on 2016-01-01.

Taux le plus élevé

248.80 DZD


The highest rate from DZD to PHP was recorded on 2024-10-09.

Taux moyen μ

211.33 DZD

The average rate from DZD to PHP over the selected period.

Écart-type σ


The standard deviation of DZD to PHP rates, indicating the volatility.

Variation du taux Δ


The percentage change in the rate from DZD to PHP from the start to the end of the selected period.

Volatilité σ


The volatility of DZD to PHP rates, calculated as the standard deviation divided by the mean.

EXDZ Index

The EXDZ Index measures the difference between the informal and official exchange rates of the Algerian Dinar (DZD). It provides insights into market dynamics, currency valuation disparities, and economic conditions influencing the foreign exchange market in Algeria.

Current Difference

100.74 DZD


20 Oct 2024

Smallest Gap

39.28 DZD


15 Aug 2020

Largest Gap

103.17 DZD


09 Oct 2024

Average Difference


The average percentage difference over the selected period.


Square Port Said Exchange Rate Analysis:

•   30-Day Exchange Rate Overview

In the last 30 days, the black market exchange rate of PHP to DZD showed , with a change of NaN% from Invalid Date to Invalid Date.

The highest rate was 0 on Invalid Date, while the lowest rate was 0 on Invalid Date.

With an average rate of 0.00 and a fluctuation of 0.00, these figures highlight the volatile nature of the forex and informal markets, particularly in areas like Square Port Said where parallel markets significantly influence currency distribution.

•  90-Day Exchange Rate Overview

Over the past 90 days, the exchange rate experienced , reflecting a NaN% change between Invalid Date and Invalid Date.

The peak rate reached was 0 on Invalid Date, while the lowest rate was 0 on Invalid Date.

The average rate over this period was 0.00, with a fluctuation of 0.00. This underscores the impact of both the forex and informal markets, especially in Square Port Said, where parallel markets offer alternative channels for currency exchange and influence overall market stability.

Recap of Stats

  • •  30-Day Highest Rate: 0 on Invalid Date
  • •  30-Day Lowest Rate: 0 on Invalid Date
  • •  30-Day Average Rate: 0.00
  • •  30-Day Fluctuation: 0.00
  • •  90-Day Highest Rate: 0 on Invalid Date
  • •  90-Day Lowest Rate: 0 on Invalid Date
  • •  90-Day Average Rate: 0.00
  • •  90-Day Fluctuation: 0.00

Frequently Converted Amounts
from PHP to DZD

5 PHP 20 DZD
10 PHP 39 DZD
25 PHP 98 DZD
50 PHP 197 DZD
100 PHP 393 DZD
500 PHP 1,966 DZD
1,000 PHP 3,932 DZD
5,000 PHP 19,658 DZD
10,000 PHP 39,315 DZD
50,000 PHP 196,575 DZD
100 DZD 24.94 PHP
500 DZD 124.69 PHP
1,000 DZD 249.37 PHP
2,000 DZD 498.74 PHP
5,000 DZD 1,246.85 PHP
10,000 DZD 2,493.7 PHP
50,000 DZD 12,468.52 PHP
100,000 DZD 24,937.03 PHP
500,000 DZD 124,685.17 PHP
1,000,000 DZD 249,370.34 PHP
5,000,000 DZD 1,246,851.7 PHP

How to use the EXDZ Currency Converter?


Select Your Currency

Begin by choosing the currency you want to convert from using the dropdown menu. Enter the amount you wish to convert in the input field next to the selected currency. For quick access, you can also use the predefined quick selection buttons to automatically fill in common amounts.


View the Converted Amount

After entering the amount, the converter will display the equivalent value in Algerian Dinar (DZD) or your chosen currency, depending on the conversion direction. Additionally, the current exchange rate is shown below the converter, providing you with up-to-date information on how much one unit of your selected currency is worth in DZD or vice versa.


Switch Conversion Direction

If you need to reverse the conversion direction, simply click the switch button located between the input sections. This will toggle the converter to switch from converting to DZD to converting from DZD, or the other way around. The interface will update accordingly, allowing you to enter a new amount or use the quick selection buttons again for convenience.